1. What is the Action class in Selenium?
it is used to perform complex keyboard actions and mouse actions. It can be used to create a sequence of actions too.
2. What are the common actions used in the Action class?
- click();
- moveToElement();
- sendKeys();
- contextClick();
- doubleClick();
- dragAndDrop(source, target);
- moveByOffset(x, y);
3. How to perform drag and drop action in Selenium?
Using action class
- dragAndDrop(WebElement source, WebElement target)
- clickAndHold(source element).moveToElement(target element).release(target element).build().perform();
4. How to double-click using the action class?
WebElement elementdouble = drive.findElement(By.className("duild"));
Actions action = new Actions(driver);
5. How to right-click on an element?
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.id("name"))
Actions action = new Actions(driver);
6. How to mouse hover over an element?
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("dev"))
Actions action = new Actions(driver);
7. How to use Selenium code click on the Enter button using the Action class.
//Perform keyboard action
Actions action = new Actions(driver);
//Perform entering text in input field
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.id("id"));
action.sendKeys(element, "hello").perform();
8. Handling composite actions
- Handling multiple actions at a time on an element is called a composite action
- Composite action is performed by build().perform();
- with the latest version of Selenium perform() is included with build() so no need of call build() separately
9. What is the difference between perform() and build() methods?perform(): method is used to execute a sequence of actions. It is necessary to call the perform() method at the end.
build(): method compiles all the actions into a single composite action. But it didn’t execute actions. build() method is needed to use after chaining of actions. perform() method call always after the build() method. Now build() method is included in the perform() method. So no need to call separately.
10. Can we use perform() method without build()?
The build()
method is used when you want to perform a sequence of actions as a single unit, and it is often used in conjunction with the perform()
If you have a more complex set of actions or if you want to ensure that multiple actions are treated as a single unit, you might use the build()
method. This is especially useful when dealing with more intricate interactions like drag-and-drop, key combinations, or other multi-step actions
Now build() method is integrated with perform() method
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