1. What is page factory class?
- PageFactory class is part of the selenium support package
- PageFactory class is used to make Page Objects simpler and easier.
2. What is the FindBy annotation interface?
- FindBy annotation provides a mechanism to locate elements or a list of elements
- Simply it replaces driver.findElement(locator) code block.
- It provides an easy way to create page objects
3. Provide an example of how to use @FindBy annotation
- @FindBy(id="row") WebElement element;
- @FindBy(how = How.ID , using = "row") WebElement element;
- @FindBy(tagName = "a") Link<WebElement> links;
- @FindBy(className = ".input.username");
4. What are the parameters taken by @FindBy annotation?
- className
- css
- id
- tagName
- linkText
- partialLinkText
- name
- how
- using
- xpath
5. What does initELements() method does in PageFactory class?
- It instantiates an instance of the given class
6. How to use the PageFactory class for creating page objects?
- We can use page factory pattern to initialize web elements which are defined in page objects
- We initialize page objects using initElements() method from PageFactory class
- Once we call initElements() method all elements will get initialized.
- initElements() is a static method
- It will take driver instance and class type as arguments
- It will return the page object with its fields fully initialized
Method 1
Home home = new Home(driver);
PageFactory.initElements(driver, home)
Method 2
public Home(WebDriver driver){
this.driver = driver;
PageFactory.initElements(driver, this);
7. What is the use of annotations in the Page Factory class?
- Annotations are used to give descriptive names for Web Elements to improve code readability
- @FindBy annotation is used to identify web elements on the page
- PageFactory will search for elements on the page with matching attribute id attribute
- If that fails it will search by name attribute
- Then if we need more control over identifying elements in the HTML page and mapping them with our page object fields
- So one way of doing this is @FindBy annotation
8. What are the annotations interfaces used in the PageFactory class?
- @FindBy
- @CacheLookup
9. When do we need to use @CacheLookup annotation?
- Everytime when a method is called on a web element the driver will find it on the current page and simulate the action on the web element
- There are cases where we will be working on the basic page and we know that we will find the element on the page every time we look for it
- We use @CacheLookup annotation to indicate that it never changed
- That means that the same instance in the DOM will always be used
- It is used to instruct the initElements() method to cache the element once it's located and that it will not be searched over and over again
- This is useful when the elements that are always going to be there
- Otherwise, whenever we use a web element the web driver will go and search for it again
10. Where exactly do we add @CacheLookup annotation?
@FindBy(name = "user")
private WebElement element;
11. Write code to show the difference between POM and PageFactory class
Using POM
private By username = By.className("tow");
private By password = By.id("row");
private By submit =. By.name("submit");
public void verifyLogin(String username , String password){
Using PageFactory class
public class Home{
@FindBy(id="row") private WebElement user;
@FindBy(className ="tow") private WebLement password ;
@FindBy(name="rop") private WebElement submit;
public void userLogin(String username, String password){
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