Select Class

 1. What is the best way to handle duplicate options in DDL?

using index selectByIndex()

2. Can we deselect the option in the single-value list box?

No. We cannot. It will throw UnsupportedOperationException

3. How to get all the options from DDL?

WebElement element  = driver.findElement(By.className("row"))
Select select = new Select(element);
List<WebElement> listOfElements = select.getOptions();

4. How to check whether it is allowed to select multiple options from DDL?

using isMultiple() method it returns a boolean value

5. How to check whether the radio button or value from DDL is selected or not in Selenium?

using isSelected() method. It returns a Boolean value.


6. What is the meaning of the SelectByValue() method?

it is used to select options from drop downlist using <value> attribute in dom.

7. Is that possible to deselect an element from the drop-down list?

 1. deselectByIndex()

2. deselectByValue()

3. deselectAll()

4. deselectByVisibleText()

8. What is the Select class in Selenium?

It provides a method to interact with drop-down elements

9. What are the different ways to select values from the drop-down list?

  1. SelectByVisibleText() : If the specified option is duplicate it will return the first matching element
  2. SelectByIndex()
  3. SelectByValue()
  4. getAllSelectedOptions()
  5. getFirstSelectedOption()

10. How to instantiate an object from a select class?

WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.linkText("hey"))
Select select = new Select(element)

11.How to get the last element of the drop-down list?

//Select drop down list
Select select = new Select(driver.findElement('name'))
//Add all the values into list
List<WebElement> options = select.getOptions();
//Get Last one
WebElement last = options.get(options.size()-1);

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